First Half

AnaMaria Perez

Completed First Half Piece

Andrew Spears

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Gabrielle Nemer

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Paragraph Explaining Design and Representation

Mackenzie Jarrell

Completed First Half Piece

Melinda Modisette

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Sarah Wang

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Paragraph Explaining Design and Representation

Second Half

AnaMaria Perez

Plans for Finishing

“I will be completing the piece with charcoal constructing a silhouette of some New Mexico cacti and yucca and the Sandias in the background.”

Completed Piece

Andrew Spears

Plans for Finishing

“On the other half of the piece, I will have a similar scene to the original of a river and a rocky landscape. The animal in the center will be a roadrunner in a semi-cartoonish style, with smaller birds surrounding it.”

Completed Piece

Gabrielle Nemer

Plans for Finishing

“For the other half of the Forbidden City piece, I wanted to show a building that had historical significance to the US. I chose to use Independence hall as the building that will represent the American half. I plan to make it more of a night scene to contrast with the snowy scene in the other half.”

Completed Piece

Mackenzie Jarrell

Plans for Finishing

“I completed my piece with Georgia O’Keeffe as the other side of the face with my representation of her style of western mountains and skies in the background.”

Completed Piece

Melinda Modisette

Plans for Finishing

“I want to depict aspects of New Mexico that are not just an icons of the state. I plan to draw a Jarabe Dancer on Route 66 with American plants and Native American textiles.”

Completed Piece

Sarah Wang

Plans for Finishing

“For the other half of the piece, I want to draw an animal that is representative of the US, like the lion is for China. But just like the dragon is very standard, I felt that an eagle would also be too standard, so I drew a turkey instead.”

Completed Piece


  1. 孩子们的创作能力真是不容小觑,他们把文化元素在一张小小的画纸上体现了出来,让人一目了然,给孩子们大赞一个👍

  2. 非常喜歡Melinda Modisette關于飲食文化的那張作品的创意。尤其素描草案那張,簡直是一个成熟藝術家的草案:其構圖豐滿,內容豐富,線條自信而怡然。彩圖完成稿部分,色彩濃郁,似乎卷着burritos 的美味扑面打來。好看又好吃!藝術就是表達生活、體現文化,小畫家把這兩點都聰明地提煉出來了。🥰

  3. 画的真好!非常有创意。颜色鲜艳, 线条自然流畅,梦幻般的境界…孩子们的想像力和创造力让我佩服。我不懂画,但被你们的作品吸引。加油!孩子们

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