First Half

AnaMaria Perez

Completed First Half Piece

Andrew Spears

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Gabrielle Nemer

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Paragraph Explaining Design and Representation

Mackenzie Jarrell

Completed First Half Piece

Melinda Modisette

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Sarah Wang

Preliminary Sketch for the First Half Piece

Completed First Half Piece

Paragraph Explaining Design and Representation

Second Half

AnaMaria Perez

Plans for Finishing

“I will be completing the piece with charcoal constructing a silhouette of some New Mexico cacti and yucca and the Sandias in the background.”

Completed Piece

Andrew Spears

Plans for Finishing

“On the other half of the piece, I will have a similar scene to the original of a river and a rocky landscape. The animal in the center will be a roadrunner in a semi-cartoonish style, with smaller birds surrounding it.”

Completed Piece

Gabrielle Nemer

Plans for Finishing

“For the other half of the Forbidden City piece, I wanted to show a building that had historical significance to the US. I chose to use Independence hall as the building that will represent the American half. I plan to make it more of a night scene to contrast with the snowy scene in the other half.”

Completed Piece

Mackenzie Jarrell

Plans for Finishing

“I completed my piece with Georgia O’Keeffe as the other side of the face with my representation of her style of western mountains and skies in the background.”

Completed Piece

Melinda Modisette

Plans for Finishing

“I want to depict aspects of New Mexico that are not just an icons of the state. I plan to draw a Jarabe Dancer on Route 66 with American plants and Native American textiles.”

Completed Piece

Sarah Wang

Plans for Finishing

“For the other half of the piece, I want to draw an animal that is representative of the US, like the lion is for China. But just like the dragon is very standard, I felt that an eagle would also be too standard, so I drew a turkey instead.”

Completed Piece


  1. 解釋设计对了解画的含义很有帮助!很喜欢这些作品的构图和色彩,视觉效果非常棒!

  2. 构思匠心独运,画面色彩斑斓,用笔柔顺细腻,构图很有创意!诚挚点赞!厉害了

  3. “跨文化画廊”作品,让人耳目一新,别具一格的创意彰显了中西文化融合的魅力,更展现了孩子们愽大的胸怀与远大的志向,为人类的明天更美好中西合璧,携手并进,共创辉煌!

  4. 东西方交流携手共进, 为中美两国小小艺术爱好者点赞喝彩,世界因你们而精彩!

  5. 尤乐元同学你好!我是吴丽娜,我很小的时候是在福州姥姥家长大的,6岁的时间我回到了父母在甘肃省兰州市的家,在兰州铁路局第四小学上小学,在兰州铁路局第三中学读初中和高中。之后我就插队,工作,结婚。再也没有离开过那里……

  6. 这是一个非常有意义、有影响、有创意、有趣的活动,被你们艺术创作中的奇思妙想深深打动,你们是一群有才华、有爱心、有理想的孩子,世界的未来是你们的!愿中美友谊长存,愿世界更美好!

    1. 艺术是无声的语言,合作是快乐的基石,有意义有价值的活动,地球人都欢喜。哈哈😄

  7. 作品的创意很棒,让人耳目一新,给人以无限的想象空间。展现了他们博大的胸怀和远大志向。

  8. 被你大胆又好玩的画深深吸引了,小伙伴们的创意画廊,架起的也是两国友谊连廊!让我们更加相信明天会更好!

  9. 优秀的孩子!优秀的作品!希望中外的文化与艺术交流,能更深、更广、更丰富多彩!

  10. 不管是在中国还是在西方,绘画在热爱绘画的人们心中的地位是一样的。它所具有的伟大禀性不分地域种族不分贫富贵贱。它就如同普天之下热爱绘画的同仁唯一共享和热爱的一片天空。

  11. 不同地域、不同文化,运用绘画技能,交流激荡、创新共融,尽显艺术魅力!构思新巧、创意无限!

  12. I also particularly like your explanation on the design of the second half, thank you for bringing people together through artworks.

  13. 独特的创意,完美的融合,让不同的文化展现在同一幅画中…艺术无国界,人民盼和平!

  14. 艺术通过丰富的想像力来尽情发挥,心灵通过善意的碰撞来勾通交流!多渴望,多探索,多交流,未来的世界一定是美好的!

  15. Great works!Pretty amazing and fantastic. I hope this can strengthen the friendship between the two countries to cooperate together and fight COVID-19

  16. 你是一个内心充满爱和智慧的孩子,你聪慧的思维通过艺术🎨绘画为人间搭起五阻拦的桥梁并带来美好和平和无国界的友谊,与你一样让我们衷心祝愿世界充满爱……

  17. What a wonderful initiative and such incredible talent! Letting the young adults of two nations show us how to work together! Well done! I would love to see more of this taking place!

  18. 这一独特的创意只有内心充满阳光和温暖、善良的孩子才能想像的出来!真了不起呀尤乐园,你的名字就诠释了这一主题,你热爱生活、热爱和平,希望全世界应该像一个大游乐园一样,各国人民不分种族、不分肤色快乐地在一起和平共处,这一美好的画面在这里充分地展示出来了,给小朋友点赞、加油啊💪💪💪!

  19. 中西文化交流的很好创意!从美术作品中看出两国的特点、优点及不同点,这种创意有意想不到的效果!very good!

  20. 上面的朋友说得真好,希望全世界应该像一个大游乐园一样,各国人民不分种族、不分肤色快乐地在一起和平共处。孩子们已经为我们做出了表率!

  21. 搬家离开新墨西哥州很多年了,常常想念Albuquerque 的天空,如一台天幕的時光机器,与之穿梭。观尤乐元(Melinda Modisette)的画,滿足了一切与那个时空有关的怀念与感慨。色彩如此繽紛大胆,像是只有在那个海拔高度的画者,才有如此純粹的色彩和敏睿的捕捉力:66号公路、哈拉貝舞者,新墨沙漠植物、原住民的纺织品…. 从画中体会到這片天地之間申出的文化之野、橫、美。泼辣辣的生命力,葳蕤芳菲的仪态,在小姑娘的画里,全有!

  22. 這是一次心與心的溝通之旅,藝術🎨是純天然的精神食糧,养分满满。在構建人類命運共同體上,謝謝展現雙方的差異與相同。

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